
Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Cat of Leisure

This is Pepsi, taking time out from her busy surrealist-kitty schedule to chitter at some birds and defy gravity.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

First and (I Hope) Last Motorcycle Accident

I was always the sort of kid who would get stuck up a tree, or caught on a fence, or in similar predicaments that seemed to always necessitate calling someone's dad to get a ladder and save me. These adolescent shit-shows ended once I went to college. At twenty-six, I figured it was safe to engage in risky behavior again and asked my boyfriend to teach me how to ride a motorcycle. A propensity towards panic and tricky gear-shifting while careening down a hill don't mix. The shit-show continues!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

My Brand New Blog

The last time I managed to consistently broadcast my flailings along the information super highway was back when LJ was en vogue and I was young enough to think it appropriate to title my entries after Tori Amos lyrics. Dignity aside, I'm so happy that I managed to save the 1,000+ page embarrassment that was my high school/college era livejournal.

Not much has changed. I just realize that I suck at keeping a paper/pen record of things. And I like taking pictures. And I like having an audience.

This was originally going to be a cooking blog, but it's most likely going to dart merrily about the following subjects:
  • Photos of gothy, Appalachian stuff. Owl pellets, abandoned feed mills, cemeteries, etc. etc.
  • Lists. Lists for days.
  • Meditations on critters.
  • Recipes of sun-hot, warrior of God treats.
  • Lots of talk about Ohio.
  • Book/film/music rants.